ZOLL AED 3 Non-Rechargeable Lithium Battery

Part #: 8000-000696
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ZOLL AED 3 Replacement Battery

The ZOLL AED 3 Replacement Battery is a lithium battery with a 5-year lifespan once installed to your ZOLL AED 3 device. This non-rechargeable smart battery can report its power level status on the device's LCD screen or transfer the data using WIFI to your AED program management.

ZOLL AED 3 Battery Specifications

  • Made from lithium manganese dioxide
  • Non-rechargeable
  • Part #: 8000-000696
  • Free shipping on online orders over $99+
  • 5-year life in stand-by mode

How to Replace Your ZOLL AED 3 Battery

  1. Before replacing your battery pack, be sure the defibrillator is turned off and the battery pack being installed has not passed its “install by” date.
  2. Place your fingers in the wells of the battery compartment and squeeze the battery sides to release and remove
  3. Hold the new battery pack by the side tabs and insert it into the back of the AED, lining up the notch on the end of the battery with the corresponding shape on the back of the device
  4. Push into compartment until you hear a click and voice prompt that announces, “Battery has been replaced”
  5. Verify the device issues a “Unit Ok” voice prompt and be sure the status indicator turns green

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