Our AED Grant Program Archives - AED Superstore Resource Center https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/category/grant/ Tue, 16 Apr 2024 13:13:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 AED Grant FAQ https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/faq-grants/ Mon, 18 Jun 2018 18:02:13 +0000 https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/?p=1345 Get answers to your questions about applying for and writing successful AED grant proposals, donation of AED units and when to enlist the help of a grant-writing professional.

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What is an AED grant?

An AED grant is usually a cash grant given so that the grant winner can purchase an AED and sometimes related accessories, like extra electrode pads, batteries, a case or cabinet or other items.

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How long does the grant process take?

A grant project can take weeks or months to complete. If your needs are more immediate, we suggest looking toward civic groups such as your local Lions Clubs, Moose Lodges, Elks Clubs, Kiwanis, Rotary Clubs, and Masonic Temples. If your project is aimed at the well-being of children, a local Optimist Club could also be a source.

Churches often look directly to their own congregations for help. We know of several large churches and synagogues that have collected enough money during a single service to fund the purchase of their AEDs!

If you are a non-profit serving children in the Midwest and western states, you may qualify for assistance through the Union Pacific Foundation.

The Wal-Mart Foundation has a Community & Giving Program which provides assistance to improve the lives of individuals in their communities.

Also, the Target Foundation sponsors grants for K-12 schools and other non-profit organizations.

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How do I write a grant for an AED?

The key is to follow the instructions and submit everything the specific grant requires. The level of detail you need to provide will probably vary depending on the organization you’re requesting the grant from, and it’s important to take that into account. Don’t skip anything that’s asked for, and be as specific and factual as you can. For more help writing grant requests, you can check out our resource page offer guidance and resources to help you through the research and writing process that comes with grant applications.

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Where can I apply for an AED grant?

Great question! You can apply for AED Superstore’s grant, which is awarded twice a year, once in June and once in December. Each grant is worth $2,000 and can be applied to the purchase of any AED listed for sale at AEDSuperstore. Leftover funds may be used to purchase AED accessories or supplies. You can also apply for other AED grants we’ve found through our research, or you can do your own research and find other organizations that are offering grants for which you may qualify.

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How hard is it to get an AED grant?

As with most grant or donation programs, competition is usually moderately stiff. There are a lot of people with worthy causes or needs. Making sure your grant is written well and meets each specific requirement for a given grant program is important for giving you the best chance of winning a grant. You can also simplify your process by writing up your grant request in a way that makes it easy to slightly alter it and create different versions for each grant you’d like to apply for, instead of writing new requests for every grant you’re applying for.

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Do we need to apply for separate grants to get more than one unit?

That’s going to depend on the specific grant and how it’s structured. For our AED Superstore grant, we provide a flat $2,000 amount first applied to an AED unit, and leftover funds can be applied to accessories on our site. Other organizations’ grants might be structured to provide just an AED, cash, a “starter kit” of an AED plus some accessories or in other ways. Read through what the award will cover before applying to make sure it matches your needs and prevent spending time on grants that won’t ultimately provide what you’re looking for.

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What are the deadlines for grant applications?

Deadlines for grant applications vary per grant. Many grant application periods open at the beginning of the year and close toward the third quarter. AEDSuperstore has two application periods for grant applicants. One application period starts January 1 and closes June 1. The second application period starts June 3 and closes December 1.

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Should I use a grant writing professional?

If you’re considering using a professional grant writer, here are some questions you should think about to help you decide:

  • Do you have time to do the research and fill out applications?
  • Are you a good writer? You don’t have to be brilliant with words, but you do need to be able to communicate clearly and edit your work to ensure it’s error-free.
  • Look through some applications for grants you’d like to receive. Do you feel confident filling these out or are there questions you wouldn’t know how to answer?

Generally speaking, the larger the grant you’re applying for, the more stringent the application will be. If you’re trying to obtain a large grant from a big company or funding organization and you believe you’re a good match for the grant, investing in a professional to help you present your needs may be a wise choice.

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How do I avoid false grant schemes?

Unfortunately, some AED dealers may advertise a brand-name AED, and then ask customers to complete an extensive “grant” application to become eligible to save hundreds of dollars. As a result, customers may release confidential information, waste valuable time filling out unnecessary forms, and end up paying more for an AED than if it were purchased outright from a reputable dealer.

We strongly recommend avoiding grant schemes offered directly by AED dealers. Reputable companies like AEDSuperstore have prices below so-called grant specials, and with no extensive forms to complete.

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AED Grant Writing Support Services https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/writing-support-services/ Mon, 18 Jun 2018 17:50:56 +0000 https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/?p=911 Check out our list of resources for help writing a winning grant proposal. Get tips to help you create a grant request that’s organized, clear and successful!

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Filling out a grant application can be a daunting process. In addition to a long list of AED grant opportunities you can review, we’ve also compiled a list of other resources you might find helpful as you begin your search for funding your AED acquisition.

This is the shortest of our grant-writing resources and provides some of the most basic, essential items to consider when you’re just starting to think about trying to get a grant:

This page has some great general ideas for getting funding, and a basic outline of how to write a grant proposal:

The Purdue Owl grant-writing resource is extremely thorough and contains lots of examples for writing clearly and communicating your needs and how the specific grant would meet them:

This resource applies most specifically to scientific grants, but contains a lot of advice that applies beyond research/science grants. The example timelines might not match up with your grant acquisition process, but much of the advice is still applicable:

This is a very good and somewhat academic document that outlines how you should structure your request/application. It has many helpful pointers and things to consider to ensure your grant request is taken seriously and not discarded:

A free course on how to write a proposal:

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AED Grant Resource List https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/grant-resource-list/ Mon, 18 Jun 2018 17:22:19 +0000 https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/?p=913 Find an AED grant for your organization using our huge, free list of grants for nonprofits, fire departments, schools, churches, cities and more.

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Welcome to our AED Grant Resource List, your all-in-one page for finding the grant that’s right for your business. Many of these grants are designed for automated external defibrillator funding. Grants listed here that aren’t specifically intended to purchase AEDs should still allow funding to be applied to an AED. We do our best to keep this list current and are always appreciative of your feedback.

To find grants, click on one of our categories below:

If your organization does not fit the above categories, you can explore more general community grants:

If you have a grant to suggest, please fill out this form, and we will reward you with $125 off a new AED or AED value package. In order to qualify for this discount, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Submit a grant using this form. Be sure to fill out all required fields.
  2. The grant must not already be listed in any of our current grant lists.
  3. The grant should either explicitly mention AED funding or allow AEDs based on its eligibility and submission guidelines.

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AED Grant Writing Guidance https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/grant-writing-guidance/ Mon, 18 Jun 2018 16:30:44 +0000 https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/?p=900 Need help writing a grant proposal? Check out AED Superstore's grant writing resources for support and guidance on how to write a winning grant proposal and get funding for your AED!

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At AEDSuperstore, we understand that for some communities and organizations, being awarded a grant is the only option to access funds to purchase life-saving equipment like an automated external defibrillator for your community. Not only do we want to provide the resources to find grants, but we want to give you tips for writing a successful grant.

Before submitting a grant application, ask yourself the following questions to help make writing your grant a seamless process:

  1. What components is the foundation offering the grant looking for, and do they align with what you need?
  2. What resources are available and needed to aid in the research and writing process?
  3. When is it time to submit your application?

What components is the foundation offering the grant looking for, and do they align with what you need?

Before you can even begin thinking about writing your grant, it’s important to understand the types of grants available and which one best fits your organization’s needs.

The most common types of grants available are:

  • Capital grants: Capital grants are great for companies looking to fund new AED programs or public access defibrillator programs. They also are typically used for projects like building purchases, new construction, renovations, etc.
  • Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding consists of raising a large amount of money from individuals who may not live in your community. Sources that use crowdfunding include GoFundMe, GotAED.com, and Kickstarter.
  • Employee match grants: Employee match grants are when companies match an employee’s donation to a charity or cause of their choice.
  • In-kind donations: In-kind donations are when donations are made in the form of goods or services rather than monetary.
  • Matching grant: A matching grant is when a company that is requesting a grant raises money that is then matched by the donor organization, which then can be used to fund projects, purchases, or equipment for the company.
  • Project-based grants: Project-based grants are awarded to organizations and companies for a specific project or program. These are great for individuals, organizations, schools, or state and local government projects.

As you start to understand which type of grant you are interested in, you may find multiple grants in one category that may be a right fit. Before submitting applications to them all, it’s important to question whether or not it’s worth your time. Grant proposals can take a lot of time and effort, so being sure you understand the eligibility guidelines, deadlines, and the amount the grant is worth is crucial before the writing process begins.

When choosing a grant that aligns with your organization’s needs, it’s important to start considering the type of questions you may want to answer in your grant proposal to be sure they match the organization’s ideal grant winner. Ask yourself the following questions:

What resources are available and needed to aid in the research and writing process?

AEDSuperstore is here to help to the best of our ability when it comes to finding a grant that best fits your needs. We offer resources for fire/EMS grants, nonprofit grants, school grants, and community grants. We realize that there are thousands of grants available, and we may not have the right one for you listed. Check out the following resources that will help generate a more extensive list of grants available:

Maybe you already found the grant you are looking for but may not have the lift among your team for the time and effort it takes to fill out and submit grant applications. Reviewing previous grant application examples can take hours and may or may not be helpful if it’s not related to your specific grant ask.

We recommend exploring grant writing resources that give you tips on how to write, offer freelance grant writing services, or provide you with grant writing software to take some of the heavy lifting from your team. Check out the resources below that are designed to help you create your grant content or, in some cases, write your content for you:

When is it time to submit your application?

Finally, we’ve made it to the last step! You have chosen your grant and used all the resources needed to draft your grant application. The final step is to submit your application.

Before jumping the gun and submitting your grant application, it’s important to remember the questions you asked yourself when searching for the right grant at the beginning of this process. Do a thorough final review of your application and be sure you answered all of the following questions on your checklist:

After hitting these key points, double-check that all required fields are filled out on your application document. Also, take a moment to verify that you are submitting your application within the specified deadline. We recommend marking the due date on your calendar. Try not to wait until the last day to be sure no last-minute changes make you miss your deadline.

Once you have submitted your application, you’re all set – now we wait! Most grant programs feature an announcement date in their grant guidelines, so keep an eye out for the moment you don’t want to miss – when your grant application is accepted! Have more questions about grants? Visit our Grants Frequently Asked Questions page.

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AED Grants for Communities https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/community-aed-grants/ Sun, 10 Jun 2018 15:09:28 +0000 https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/?p=1354 The grants in this list are generally more loosely defined, rather than targeting a specific audience or AEDs in particular (like AED grants for schools). While the criteria for each grant varies, they often support general health and wellbeing initiatives and exclude religious organizations and individuals. This makes them a good fit for communities and groups that are trying to find grant funding to get an AED or start an AED program.

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Welcome to our comprehensive resource for AED Grants designed specifically for communities. The grants on this page often support general health and wellbeing initiatives, making them a great fit for communities and groups trying to find grant funding to get an AED or start an AED program.

If you don’t have the funds, you’re in the right place! Check out all the grant options below to find one that best suits what your community is looking for. If you have already received funding or have budgeted to purchase an AED, visit our AED machines page.


AEDGrant.com Grant Program

Eligibility: The AED Grant program

Grant Amount: Grant amount is determined per AED donation.

Deadline: Grant applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Please fill out this form.

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The Bernard & Audre Rapoport Foundation

Eligibility: The Bernard & Audre Rapoport Foundation uses one-third of its annual grant budget for eligible 501 (c)(3)organizations in Waco, Texas. These include healthy and community buildings, social services, and educational facilities. The rest of the grant budget is allocated to qualified organizations within the United States. This foundation does not fund political campaigns/cases, donations, or grants for individuals, religious projects, or organizations that have already been granted or denied. Learn more on eligibility requirements.

Grant Amount: ~$25,000-$50,000 (Review past grants for grant capacity reference)

Deadline: Recently closed. Check back January 2025.

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The Ford Family Foundation Grant Program

Eligibility: The Ford Family Foundation Grant Program offers grant funds to various organizations and projects in Oregon and Siskiyou County, California. The organizations they are looking to fund include those who aim to make a difference in the lives of rural children to help ensure family, education and communities have what they need to thrive.

Grant Amount: Up to $25,000

Deadline: Create or log in to your account to see the next deadlines.

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The Lowe’s Foundation Gable Grant Program

Eligibility: The Lowe’s Foundation Cable Grant Program is open for community-based nonprofit organizations [501 (c)(3)] and community & technical colleges. Individuals, religious organizations, and political committees/causes will not be considered for this program. See all eligibility requirements. This funding from this grant can be used to support program-related expenses, including funding instructors, program materials, training space, equipment, measurement, capacity building, etc.

Grant Amount: Ranging between $100,000 – $1,000,000

Deadline: Next application period is Aug. 1st through Aug. 31st 2024 at 11:59pm.

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State Farm Community Grant Program

Eligibility: The State Farm Community Grant program commits to building safer, stronger, and better-educated communities by allowing the following communities to apply for a grant: educational institutions, county, state, or federal government institutions that align with State Farm charitable focus, 501 (c)(3) charitable nonprofit organizations, and 501 (c)(3) volunteer fire companies. This grant does not apply to individuals seeking personal help, religious programs, political programs, or organizations outside the United States.

Grant Amount: N/A

Deadline: Annual deadline- invitation only. If you did not receive an invitation, you can apply here.

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The Target Foundation Grant Program

Eligibility: To be eligible for the Target Foundation Grant Program, your organization must be a federally tax-exempt section 501 (c)(3) charitable organization, accredited school, or public agency located in the United States or one of its protectorates. Target serves communities on a hometown, national, global, and charter level, making each grant unique and tailored to that specific community need.

Grant Amount: Community engagement funds depend on store and distribution center location.

Deadline: Invitation-only application. Read more.

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U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Grant Program

Eligibility: The Rural Development Grant Program is open for all rural areas, including cities, villages, townships, and towns including Federally Recognized Tribal Lands with no more than 20,000 residents according to the latest U.S. Census Data. This program is designed to fund the development of essential community facilities such as healthcare facilities, public facilities like town halls or courthouses, community support services, etc. See all eligible applicants.

Grant Amount: Grant amount dependent on the funding opportunity. Grant will fund up to 75% of the expense.

Deadline: December 31st, 2024.

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Walmart Community Grant Program

Eligibility: The Walmart Community Grant Program recognizes the following groups for their grant program: 501 (c)(3) organizations, government entities including state, county, and city agencies, K-12 public/private schools, charter schools, community/junior college, state/private college or university, and church or faith-based organizations with proposed projects that address and benefit the needs of the community at larger. No grants will be awarded to individuals. Learn more.

Grant Amount: Ranging from $250 to $5000

Deadline: Recently closed. Check back April 2025.

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Do you know of a grant specifically for AEDs for communities, or a grant that would apply for communities even if it’s not specifically for an AED purchase? If so, let us know, and we’ll give you $125 towards a new AED or AED value package! We would love to add it to our list.

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AED Grants for Nonprofit https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/nonprofit-aed-grants/ Sun, 10 Jun 2018 15:07:13 +0000 https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/?p=1353 A nonprofit’s budget is usually focused on executing its mission in the world, and frequently, that means there isn’t money left over for valuable but expensive items, like an AED. Fortunately, there are many AED grants available to nonprofits to help bridge the budget gap. We hope you can use our list of grants for AEDs for nonprofits to find a few options that would fit your organization’s needs.

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Welcome to our online resource for AED Grants designed specifically for non-profit and charitable organizations. We understand that a non-profit organization’s primary financial focus revolves around its mission, often leaving little room for costly yet important items like an automated external defibrillator.

AEDSuperstore wants to help bridge that gap by finding grants that help you get what you need to provide a safe environment for your community. Explore the grant opportunities below and find the one that best suits your organization’s needs. If you have already received funding or have budgeted to purchase an AED, you can purchase one of our AEDs for non-profits.


Alaska Airlines Corporate Giving Program

Eligibility: The Alaska Airlines Corporate Giving program provides sponsorships for fundraising events for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. This grant is a perfect fit for organizations or nonprofits planning an event to raise funds for emergency safety equipment like an automated external defibrillator. Your grant request must be submitted at least six weeks before the event.

Grant Amount: Grant applicant fills in grant amount requested.

Deadline: Grant applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Please fill out this form.

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Fire House Subs Public Safety Foundation

Eligibility: Fire House Subs Foundation provides lifesaving equipment and needed resources to first responders and public safety organizations to help them be better prepared to save the lives of those in the communities they serve. The Fire House Subs Grants are available for fire, emergency medical services, law enforcement, public safety organizations, non-profits, and schools. Funding areas these grants cover include lifesaving equipment, prevention education, scholarship and continued education on public safety, disaster relief, and support for members of the military.

Grant Amount: Ranges between $15,000-$35,000. Requests exceeding $50,000 will be denied.

Deadline: July 11, 2024. See all future deadlines.

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The Lowe’s Foundation Gable Grant Program

Eligibility: The Lowe’s Foundation Cable Grant Program is open for community-based nonprofit organizations [501 (c)(3)] and community & technical colleges. Individuals, religious organizations, and political committees/causes will not be considered for this program. See all eligibility requirements. This funding from this grant can be used to support program-related expenses, including funding instructors, program materials, training space, equipment, measurement, capacity building, etc.

Grant Amount: Ranging between $100,000 – $1,000,000

Deadline: Grant application period will open again in August 2024.

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State Farm Community Grant Program

Eligibility: The State Farm Community Grant program commits to building safer, more robust and better-educated communities by allowing the following communities to apply for a grant: educational institutions, county, state, or federal government institutions that align with State Farm charitable focus, 501 (c)(3) charitable nonprofit organizations, and 501 (c)(3) volunteer fire companies. This grant does not apply to individuals seeking personal help, religious programs, political programs, or organizations outside the United States.

Grant Amount: N/A

Deadline: Annual deadline- invitation only. If you did not receive an invitation, you can apply.

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The Target Foundation Grant Program

Eligibility: To be eligible for the Target Foundation Grant Program, your organization must be a federally tax-exempt section 501 (c)(3) charitable organization, accredited school or public agency located in the United States or one of its protectorates. Target serves communities on a hometown, national, global, and charter level, making each grant unique and tailored to that specific community need.

Grant Amount: Community engagement funds depend on store and distribution center location.

Deadline: Invitation-only application. Read more.

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Walmart Community Grant Program

Eligibility: The Walmart Community Grant Program recognizes the following groups for their grant program: 501 (c)(3) organizations, government entities including state, county, and city agencies, K-12 public/private schools, charter schools, community/junior college, state/private college or university, and church or faith-based organizations with proposed projects that address and benefit the needs of the community at larger. No grants will be awarded to individuals. Learn more.

Grant Amount: Ranging from $250 to $5000

Deadline: Recently closed. Check back April 2025.

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Do you know of a grant specifically for AEDs for non-profit organizations, or a grant that would apply for non-profits even if it’s not specifically for an AED purchase? If so, let us know, and we’ll give you $125 towards a new AED or AED value package! We would love to add it to our list.

Are you curious to learn more about how you can access grants, sponsorships, & resources for your nonprofit? Check out more grant-researching resources like this virtual 90-minute course, or visit Grants.Gov and filter your search to be specific to the type of grant that best fits your needs.

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AED Grants for Fire/EMS https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/fire-ems-grants/ Sun, 10 Jun 2018 15:02:34 +0000 https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/?p=1352 Firefighters and emergency medical service workers know firsthand the power an AED has to save lives. The sad reality is that often, budgets shortfalls mean there isn’t enough funding for everything, and alternative funding sources like grants need to be used to help an EMS or fire department get an AED. Use our list of AED grants for fire departments and EMS to help find grant money for defibrillators and related supplies.

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Welcome to our resource for AED Grants designed specifically for Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS). In the first responder workplace, the importance of having access to automated external defibrillators (AEDs) cannot be overstated. AEDSuperstore understands that sometimes budget constraints can stand in the way of obtaining these life-saving devices, but we want to help bridge that gap.

We’ve assembled a curated list of grants tailored to support Fire and EMS departments in acquiring AEDs and related resources. Explore the grant opportunities below and find the one that best suits your department’s needs. Your mission to save lives is our priority; these grants are here to help you make it happen!


Fire Company and EMS

Eligibility: The Officer of the State Fire Commissioner offers an annual Fire Company and EMS grant for volunteer and career fire companies, emergency medical services, and rescue squads in PA. Eligible funding includes the following categories: construction and/or renovation of fire company vehicles or facilities, equipment purchases or repairs, debt reduction associated with facility or equipment, training certifications, and education for staff. See all funding opportunities.

Grant Amount: No grant limit mentioned. Applicants must create an account to see grant amounts.

Deadline: Recently closed. Check back in February 2025.

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Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Eligibility: FEMA offers grant applications to firefighters, first responders, fire departments, and volunteer firefighter organizations, to provide essential resources to safeguard the public and emergency personnel from fire-related dangers.

Grant Amount: Grant amount varies. See grants available.

Deadline: See website. Deadlines May Vary.

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Fire Fighters Charitable Foundation

Eligibility: The Fire Fighters Charitable Foundation offers grants to help assist fire/disaster victims, promote fire prevention education, support volunteer fire department equipment purchases, and fund community safety programs, with a specific national grant available for organizations looking to establish AED programs in their communities.

Grant Amount: Grant applicant fills in grant amount requested.

Deadline: Grant applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Please fill out this form.

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Fire House Subs Public Safety Foundation

Eligibility: Fire House Subs Foundation provides lifesaving equipment and needed resources to first responders and public safety organizations to help them be better prepared to save the lives of those in the communities they serve. The Fire House Subs Grants are available for fire, emergency medical services, law enforcement, public safety organizations, non-profits, and schools. Funding areas these grants cover include lifesaving equipment, prevention education, scholarship and continued education on public safety, disaster relief, and support for members of the military.

Grant Amount: Typically range between $15,000-$35,000. Requests exceeding $50,000 will be denied.

Deadline: July 11, 2024. See all future deadlines.

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Florida Health Emergency Medical Service Grants

Eligibility: Florida Health offers annual county grants, matching grants, and rural grants to emergency medical services in Florida. These grants are to be used to improve and expand prehospital emergency medical services in the state. Each grant offers different options for local agencies, municipalities, emergency medical service organizations, and youth athletic organizations. Grant money can be utilized for the following (not limited to) research, increasing EMS levels, evaluation of EMS, community education, injury-prevention programs, and CPR/other lifesaving first-aid training.

Grant Amount: Grant ranges vary.

Deadline: Recently closed. Check back January 2025.

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Gary Sinise Foundation

Eligibility: The Gary Sinise Foundation offers grants to law enforcement departments, fire departments, and paramedic or EMS departments. Although all these departments are welcome to apply, this foundation prioritizes volunteer, low, and underfunded departments. Grant requests are limited to equipment and training. See all grant guidelines here.

Grant Amount: No grant limit mentioned. Applicants fill in the grant amount needed.

Deadline: Grant applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

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Medic One Foundation

Eligibility: The Medic One Foundation provides essential tools fire departments need to respond to life-threatening medical emergencies. This includes equipment grants for communication, disaster response, defibrillators, and various life-saving devices. To qualify for funding, agencies serving as primary nonprofit providers of EMS services in King County, WA, or neighboring areas, such as local fire departments, community hospitals, or nonprofit public institutions, must be recognized as public entities or private nonprofit corporations by the State of Washington. No agency can receive funding for two consecutive years.

Grant Amount: $250-$5000

Deadline: Recently closed. Check back in February 2025.


State Farm Community Grant Program

Eligibility: The State Farm Community Grant program commits to building safer, stronger, and better-educated communities by allowing the following communities to apply for a grant: educational institutions, county, state, or federal government institutions that align with State Farm charitable focus, 501 (c)(3) charitable nonprofit organizations, and 501 (c)(3) volunteer fire companies. This grant does not apply to individuals seeking personal help, religious programs, political programs, or organizations outside of the United States.

Grant Amount: N/A

Deadline: Annual deadline- invitation only. If you did not receive an invitation, you can apply here.

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Do you know of a grant specifically for AEDs for fire and rescue departments and/or emergency medical services, or a grant that would apply for fire/EMS even if it’s not specifically for an AED purchase? If so, let us know, and we’ll give you $125 towards a new AED or AED value package! We would love to add it to our list.

To find more grants with approaching deadlines for first responders, please visit Fire Grants Help or EMS Grants Help.

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AED Grants for Schools https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/school-aed-grants/ Sun, 10 Jun 2018 13:33:02 +0000 https://www.aedsuperstore.com/resources/?p=1350 Our list of AED grants for schools lists grants that both public and private schools may apply for. Given that SCA can strike anyone at any age, having an AED on campus makes sense: the proof is in the countless young athletes whose lives have been saved because an AED was available when tragedy struck. School budgets can be tight, though, and funding for an AED might be hard to secure. Use our list of school AED grants to help you find funding to get one of these life-saving devices in your school.

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Welcome to our comprehensive resource for AED Grants designed specifically for private schools, public schools, and all educational organizations. Sudden cardiac arrest can strike anyone at any age, including young students on school campuses or athletes who may be playing a sport within the school grounds. We understand that the need for expensive safety devices like automated external defibrillators may not be within a school budget.

That’s why we’re here to help! School budgets can be tight, and finding the funds to get a life-saving device in your school would be much easier with a little help. Explore the grant options we found below to find one that best suits your organization’s needs. If you have already received funding or have budgeted for the purchase of an AED, you can shop one of our AED packages for schools here to get all you need in one purchase.


Circle of Service Foundation

Eligibility: The Circle of Service Foundation offers grants to support organizations that optimize opportunities for low-income youth to live engaged and productive lives. Grant categories include community services, medical research, Jewish communities, and education. Learn more.

Grant Amount: N/A

Deadline: Invitation-only application. Fill out the application to be invited here.

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Dick’s Sporting Goods Sports Matter Grant

Eligibility: The Dick’s Sporting Goods Grant Program, 75 for 75, selects 75 eligible sports programs across the country for their $75,000 Sports Matter Grant to help change lives through sports. To apply, applicants must be a 501 (c)(3) organization or a public school, support under-resourced communities, and have a youth sports focus. See all eligibility requirements.

Grant Amount: Request must be under $25,000

Deadline: No deadline available. Create an account to start the application process.

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Hopeys Heart Grant Program

Eligibility: Hopeys Heart Grant Program supplies eligible schools and recreational centers with AED equipment for their community. To be eligible, participants must complete a 500-word application and waiver form agreeing to the terms and policies of the program.

Grant Amount: N/A

Deadline: Recently closed. The next deadline is in May 2024.

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Fire House Subs Public Safety Foundation

Eligibility: Fire House Subs Foundation provides lifesaving equipment and needed resources to first responders and public safety organizations to help them be better prepared to save the lives of those in the communities they serve. The Fire House Subs Grants are available for fire, emergency medical services, law enforcement, public safety organizations, non-profits, and schools. Funding areas these grants cover include lifesaving equipment, prevention education, scholarship and continued education on public safety, disaster relief, and support for members of the military.

Grant Amount: Ranges between $15,000-$35,000. Requests exceeding $50,000 will be denied.

Deadline: July 11, 2024. See all future deadlines.

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The Lowe’s Foundation Gable Grant Program

Eligibility: The Lowe’s Foundation Cable Grant Program is open for community-based nonprofit organizations [501 (c)(3)] and community & technical colleges. Individuals, religious organizations, and political committees/causes will not be considered for this program. See all eligibility requirements. This funding from this grant can be used to support program-related expenses, including funding instructors, program materials, training space, equipment, measurement, capacity building, etc.

Grant Amount: Ranging between $100,000 – $1,000,000

Deadline: Next application period is Aug. 1st through Aug. 31st 2024 at 11:59pm.

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State Farm Community Grant Program

Eligibility: The State Farm Community Grant program commits to building safer, stronger, and better-educated communities by allowing the following communities to apply for a grant: educational institutions, county, state, or federal government institutions that align with State Farm charitable focus, 501 (c)(3) charitable nonprofit organizations, and 501 (c)(3) volunteer fire companies. This grant does not apply to individuals seeking personal help, religious programs, political programs, or organizations outside the United States.

Grant Amount: N/A

Deadline: Annual deadline- invitation only. If you did not receive an invitation, you can apply here.

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The Target Foundation Grant Program

Eligibility: To be eligible for the Target Foundation Grant Program, your organization must be a federally tax-exempt section 501 (c)(3) charitable organization, accredited school, or public agency located in the United States or one of its protectorates. Target serves communities on a hometown, national, global, and charter level, making each grant unique and tailored to that specific community need.

Grant Amount: Community engagement funds depend on store and distribution center location.

Deadline: Invitation-only application. Read more.

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Walmart Community Grant Program

Eligibility: The Walmart Community Grant Program recognizes the following groups for their grant program: 501 (c)(3) organizations, government entities including state, county, and city agencies, K-12 public/private schools, charter schools, community/junior college, state/private college or university, and church or faith-based organizations with proposed projects that address and benefit the needs of the community at larger. No grants will be awarded to individuals. Learn more.

Grant Amount: Ranging from $250 to $5000

Deadline: Recently closed. Check back April 2025.

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Wes Leonard Heart Team

Eligibility: The Wes Leonard Heart Team offers AED donations to eligible schools and athletic groups. The school or athletic group must fill out the AED request form and complete all required fields to be eligible for consideration.

Grant Amount: No grant amount. This is an AED donation.

Deadline: AED donation applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

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Do you know of a grant specifically for AEDs for schools or a grant that would apply for schools even if it’s not specifically for an AED purchase? If so, let us know, and we’ll give you $125 towards a new AED or AED value package! We would love to add it to our list.

Are you curious to learn more about how you can access grants, sponsorships, & resources for your school? Check out more using this grant finder tool.

The post AED Grants for Schools appeared first on AED Superstore Resource Center.
