AED Legal Analysis for Wisconsin

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Good Samaritan protection is extended to rescuers, owners, and AED trainers. This protection is also extended to the AED provider if the AED has been properly maintained and tested in accordance with manufacturer's guidelines.

A health club must employ and have available at least one employee who is CPR/AED trained.

High school students must receive CPR/AED training.

Related Laws

Statute Law Type Effective Date Abstract
Wisc. Stat. - 118.076 Training 2011-09-01 (2) Beginning in the 2011-12 school year, each school board operating high school grades, the operator of each charter school established under s. 118.40 (2r) that operates high school grades, and the governing body of each private school that operates high school grades shall do all of the following: (a) Offer instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and cardiocerebral resuscitation to pupils enrolled in the high school grades in the school district, charter school, or private school. The school board, operator of the charter school, or governing body of the private school shall use either of the following, and shall incorporate into the instruction the psychomotor skills necessary to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation and cardiocerebral resuscitation: 1. An instructional program developed by the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association. 2. Nationally recognized, evidence-based guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and cardiocerebral resuscitation. (b) Provide instruction about automated external defibrillators to pupils enrolled in the high school grades in the school district, charter school, or private school.
Wis. Stat. Ann. § 895.48. Good Samaritan This law limits civil liability for the acts or omissions of a person in rendering in good faith emergency care by use of an AED to an individual who appears to be in cardiac arrest. The limitation of liability extends to the owner of the AED and the person who provides the AED for use, if the person ensures that the automated external defibrillator is maintained and tested in accordance with any operational guidelines of the manufacturer.
Wis. Stat. Ann. § 100.178. Mandate At all times during which the fitness center is open and its facilities and services are available for use, have present on the premises of the fitness center at least one employee who has current proficiency in the use of an AED.

We make every attempt to ensure the accuracy of our research regarding automated external defibrillator (AED) unit laws in each state across the country, however, with laws varying from state-to-state and even on a local basis, as you might imagine, staying abreast of constant changes is a very challenging process. As such, it's important to note that our findings should be used for informational purposes only and that any specific AED laws or AED requirements for your AED program should be developed between you and your legal counsel. If you have any suggestions, information, or tips on new or pending AED unit legislation that you feel might help improve our AED requirement pages, please contact us to let us know! By spreading knowledge about how to build and manage legally compliant AED programs, we hope to improve survival rates from sudden cardiac arrest.