LIFE SoftPac Spare Cylinder

Part #: LIFE-2-101
Availability: In Stock
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Please note: Because of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and the understandable concerns regarding the virus and hygiene, LIFE Corp states "ALL SALES FINAL – NO RETURNS."

LIFE® SoftPac easily disposable or refillable Spare Cylinder by LIFE Corporation. Includes 250 liter "M9" or "C" size Aluminum Cylinder, constant reading supply gauge, and oxygen fill. The easy-open knurled knob valve requires no tools to open, and prevents accidental turning-on during transit.
This Spare Cylinder is simple to change before, during, or after use. A six liter flow rate will yield up to 40 minutes of oxygen.

Note: Because all LIFE® Spare Cylinders are shipped completely filled and ready-to-use, they must be shipped via Ground.

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