AED Legal Analysis for Kansas





Purchasers and other acquirers must notify local EMS of AED location and fill out forms.

AED placement in facilities owned or occupied by the state is subject to specific guidelines developed by the secretary of administration and the state highway patrol.

Good Samaritan protection is provided for good faith rescuers. An entity that owns or controls an AED is likewise protected if it has developed, implemented and follows guidelines to ensure proper maintenance and operation of the AED.

Dental offices using parental conscious sedation are required to have an AED on site.

Related Laws

Statute Law Type Effective Date Abstract
K.A.R. 71-5-11 Other Requirements 2018-02-15 During the administration of parenteral conscious sedation, each treating dentist shall meet the requirements specified in K.A.R. 71-5-10(e) and ensure that an automated external defibrillator or defibrillator is available and in working order.
K.S.A. 65-6149a Good Samaritan; Registration Requirement 2003-04-10 Any person who renders emergency care by the use of an AED will not be held liable for civil damages as a result of such care or as a result of any act or failure to act in providing or arranging further medical treatment where the person acts as an ordinary reasonably prudent person would have acted under the same or similar circumstances. Also, a person or entity which owns or otherwise controls an AED and provides such automated external defibrillator to others for use will not be held liable for any civil damages as a result of such use where the person or entity has developed, implemented and follows guidelines to ensure proper maintenance and operation of the device. Persons or entities which acquire an AED must notify the emergency medical service which operates in the geographic area of the location of the automated external defibrillator. Persons or entities acquiring an AED shall notify the emergency medical service providing local service on forms developed and provided by the emergency medical services board.

We make every attempt to ensure the accuracy of our research regarding automated external defibrillator (AED) unit laws in each state across the country, however, with laws varying from state-to-state and even on a local basis, as you might imagine, staying abreast of constant changes is a very challenging process. As such, it's important to note that our findings should be used for informational purposes only and that any specific AED laws or AED requirements for your AED program should be developed between you and your legal counsel. If you have any suggestions, information, or tips on new or pending AED unit legislation that you feel might help improve our AED requirement pages, please contact us to let us know! By spreading knowledge about how to build and manage legally compliant AED programs, we hope to improve survival rates from sudden cardiac arrest.