Reasons To Replace An Outdated AED

Do I really need a new AED? What's wrong with my old one?

AEDs have been around for more than 20 years now. Many older AEDs are still in service and capable of saving lives. However, as it is with any technology, advances occur which makes older devices less effective, less efficient, and less desirable than the newer models. While the cost of new AEDs may seem prohibitive, the benefits often outweigh the expense. There are several reasons to consider upgrading from an older model AED to a newer device.

AED manufacturers, when designing new AEDs, incorporate the latest advances in new technologies, thus improving their products and developing new devices with enhanced capabilities. Older AEDs, while still able to perform their function, need to be phased out at the end of their useful life. Calculating the AED’s useful life involves multiple pieces of information, including the items below.

AEDs are computerized electronic devices and have a finite lifespan. Electronic components have been known to fail at an advanced age, circuit boards delaminate, and capacitors no longer charge properly. While AEDs do perform automated self-tests to monitor these components, AED failure becomes significantly more likely the older the age of the AED.

All AEDs come with a manufacturer’s warranty which is in effect for a specific period of time. When the AED becomes “out of warranty”, it may be difficult to obtain service for that AED, should service become necessary. Also, when an AED reaches its “end-of-life”, consumables like electrode pads and batteries may no longer be available.

All AEDs are programmed to follow the current AHA/ERC (American Heart Association/European Resuscitation Counsel) Guidelines for CPR which are updated at yearly (as of 2018). When new guidelines are released, they may change how the AED should operate and require updates (software or hardware) to existing AEDs. Depending on when your AED was manufactured, your AED may be using outdated CPR and AED protocols and, depending on age, may not be reconfigurable for the newest guidelines.

AED manufacturers also provide AED owners with indemnity regarding the good faith use of the AED. If an AED is out of warranty, the indemnity may no longer be valid or available in the event you use your AED.

Purchasing a brand new AED means you receive a new warranty and the latest in technological advances such as faster, more accurate analysis, less delay in delivering shocks, the latest AHA guidelines, and new, innovative features. If you think about an AED in the same terms as a personal computer or an automobile, would you rather have the latest model or one from 10 or more years ago?

To keep your AED Program compliant and for the protection of you and your visitors, we recommend setting a clear obsolescence date which covers all AEDs regardless of make and/or model. We frequently see AED acquirers target a 10-year replacement date and feel this is usually a reasonable timeframe for replacement. As always, we are happy to discuss a personalized obsolescence recommendation for your AED program – just give us a call!

S. Joanne Dames - MD, MPH

Updated: 2/21/2019

16 Responses to “Reasons To Replace An Outdated AED”

June 06, 2018 at 3:25 pm, Paul Spain said:

trade in values for zoll AEDs?


June 07, 2018 at 6:49 am, AED Superstore said:

We would be happy to discuss our trade-in program with you. Please give us a call at 800-544-0048, and one of our Customer Care representatives will be glad to discuss your options. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Thank you!


October 15, 2018 at 2:04 pm, Judith Harriett said:

what replaces Lifepak 500 whick has been discontinued


October 18, 2018 at 10:25 am, AED Superstore said:

The LIFEPAK 500 has been discontinued. If you wish to remain with the LIFEPAK line of AEDs, the LIFEPAK CR Plus and the LIFEPAK EXPRESS are two AEDs which are designed more for the layperson to use, while the LIFEPAK 1000 is geared more towards the professional responder.


January 14, 2019 at 10:28 am, Tamra Alexander said:

I have a Phillips Heart Start FR2 which I know has been recalled. I replaced it with a Zoll AED Plus. I just need to know what to do with the FR2


January 14, 2019 at 10:39 am, AED Superstore said:

The Philips HeartStart FR2/FR2+ has not been recalled, but it has been discontinued. However, batteries and electrode pads are still available making the FR2/FR2+ able to function as it always has. That being said, you could either donate your FR2 to a worthy organization in need of an AED (local school, church, scouting troop, library, etc.), or you could take it to your local waste disposal facility.


May 16, 2019 at 1:08 pm, jo sanders said:

Our church has a Philips Heartstart FRx that is probably 10 years old. It says on the back “2005 Guidelines”. SN B07E-02158.
We just changed the battery and purchased new pads. We have talked about replacing it soon and are looking at the new LifePack CR2. Will there be a trade in program?


July 01, 2019 at 2:47 pm, AED Superstore said:

Hi Jo,

Sorry for the late reply – Yes, we have a trade-in program! You can give our customer service department at call at 800-544-0048 and they can help get you set up.


September 11, 2019 at 1:23 pm, rhonda read said:

Hi I’m from St Patricks School and we have Zoll Plus AED and it was purchased in 2007 Should we replace this with a new one or can we update it.


September 11, 2019 at 1:43 pm, AED Superstore said:

Your ZOLL AED Plus is no longer covered by warranty but should still function properly. Your AED can be upgraded to the latest applicable AHA guidelines (2010 for the AED Plus) by using an upgrade kit ( You may also need an IrDA (infrared adapter) to perform the upgrade ( Once upgraded you would only need to ensure your electrode pads and batteries are fresh and have not expired and your AED Plus should continue to function as intended. If, after you have refreshed the pads and batteries, your AED does not pass its self-test and displays a red “X” in the status indicator, you may need to replace the AED.


January 14, 2020 at 5:58 pm, Officer Curt Fulton said:

Working for a police department. Have a Philips FRx that says on back: “2005 Guidelines” and the serial number is: B05D-00275, It needs new battery, new pads (expiration on pad is 2010!)
Questions: Is this unit upgradeable? If so , what’s procedure? Can I still use it if I replace battery and get new pads, even though guidelines have changed? How much are the “training pads”?
If I have to trade in, is this unit acceptable as a trade for newer model?
Thanks, Officer Curt Fulton #47. Marlborough Town Police. 845-518-1260 cell (leave VM or text)
The station number is 845-795-2181, but desk officer doesn’t always get messages to me on timely basis.


January 15, 2020 at 7:32 am, AED Superstore said:

When the guidelines changed in 2010 and again in 2015, all Philips AEDs were already compliant – no upgrades were necessary. If you replace the electrode pads and the battery, your FRx will continue to function as designed. If you still feel you need to trade it in for a newer model, you can call us at 800-544-0048 to discuss the trade-in value. We do require that the AED has not been damaged and passes its self-tests. Here’s the link to the training pads:


August 13, 2021 at 4:35 pm, Patrick Snyder said:

We currently have the defibtech AED. It utilizes theDBP-1400 Battery pack. My question for you, when replacing the battery pack, do we just replace the 9volt battery located in the unit or do we need to get a whole new battery pack? Thanks for your help.


August 16, 2021 at 9:52 am, AED Superstore said:

The 9-volt battery needs to be replaced with a fresh 9-volt Lithium battery approximately every two years. The battery pack (which includes a 9-volt lithium battery) will need to be replaced approximately every 4 – 5 years. When either battery becomes low the AED will let you know by telling you to replace either the 9-volt or specifically saying to “replace the battery pack”. The 9-volt only powers the AED’s self-test function while the battery pack itself provides the energy needed for the shocks.


April 29, 2024 at 11:53 am, Stacey Willis said:

Where do we get a list of AEDs that need to be replaced?


May 07, 2024 at 12:54 pm, AEDSuperstore said:

Hi Stacey! There are program management softwares that help alert you when your AEDs need maintenance or have expired parts. If you would like to learn more, please contact our team at [email protected].


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