What should I do if I use my AED in a rescue?

After using your AED in a rescue, there are a number of steps you should take: 

  • Buy new AED electrode pads
  • Check the AED’s battery life
  • Potentially involving one of our medical directors to review the details of the event. 
  • Call our customer care department at (800) 544-0048 to learn more about the steps we recommend following after an AED is used and how we can help.

No matter the outcome of the event, you should be proud that you did everything you could to help prevent unnecessary death due to cardiac arrest. We sell AEDs, provide CPR training, and help manage AED programs to save lives, not so that AEDs just sit on the wall.

2 Responses to “What should I do if I use my AED in a rescue?”

December 09, 2019 at 9:28 am, Marsha Williams said:

I was told a medical directive is no longer needed for the AED is this a true statement?


December 10, 2019 at 1:42 pm, AED Superstore said:

Hello Marsha,

Whether you are required to have medical direction or not depends on the state you live in. You can check here to see what your state’s requirements are: https://www.aedsuperstore.com/aedlaws

If you still have questions after reviewing that page, you can call our customer care team at 1-800-544-0048 and they should be able to find that information for you. Thanks!


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