AED Legal Analysis for Arizona





The owner or acquirer of an AED must enter into an agreement with an in-state licensed physician to provide medical oversight.

The owner or acquirer is responsible for assuring the AED is maintained and tested in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines.

Good Samaritan protection is extended to acquirers and rescuers who use an AED in good faith and without compensation.

AEDs are required in certain Arizona government buildings.

As of July 2019, all high school students shall learn CPR as a requirement of graduation.

Related Laws

Statute Law Type Effective Date Abstract
S.B. 1137 Training Requirements 2018-09-20 As of July 2019, all high school students are to learn CPR as a requirement for graduation.
A.R.S. § 34-401 Mandate 1991-07-03 The law requires that any state building that is constructed or any state building that undergoes a major renovation at a cost of at least $250,000 must be equipped with AEDs
A.R.S. § 36-2262 Physician requirement; Other requirements A person or entity that acquires an AED must: i) enter into an agreement with a physician who shall oversee the aspects of public access to defibrillation; ii) require each trained user who uses an AED on a person in cardiac arrest to call telephone number 911 as soon as possible; iii) submit a written report to the bureau of emergency medical services and trauma systems in the department of health services within five working days after its use; iv) ensure that the AED is maintained in good working order and tested according to the manufacturer's guidelines.
A.R.S. § 36-2263 Good Samaritan The law limits civil liability under certain circumstances of use, or an attempted use, of an AED. The civil liability immunity extends to a person or entity that acquires an AED pursuant to this article; the owner of the property or facility where the automated external defibrillator is located; a person or entity that provides the AED pursuant to this article.

We make every attempt to ensure the accuracy of our research regarding automated external defibrillator (AED) unit laws in each state across the country, however, with laws varying from state-to-state and even on a local basis, as you might imagine, staying abreast of constant changes is a very challenging process. As such, it's important to note that our findings should be used for informational purposes only and that any specific AED laws or AED requirements for your AED program should be developed between you and your legal counsel. If you have any suggestions, information, or tips on new or pending AED unit legislation that you feel might help improve our AED requirement pages, please contact us to let us know! By spreading knowledge about how to build and manage legally compliant AED programs, we hope to improve survival rates from sudden cardiac arrest.