Aneva Instructor Pack

Part #: ANV9
Availability: In Stock
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Your Price: $45.99
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Items in Pack
  • Items in Pack
  • Valves
  • Face Shields
  • Wipes - Front
  • Wipes - Back



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Aneva Instructor Pack includes CPR Training Valves, CPR Training Shields, and Manikin Wipes. All of your necessary training supplies now in one convenient, economically priced package! Available in packages of:

  • 40 training valves, 40 face shields, 50 manikin wipes, or
  • 80 training valves, 80 face shields, 100 manikin wipes, or
  • 240 training valves, 240 face shields, 250 manikin wipes

Select your desired package by using the drop-down window above.

Alternate Part Number(s): ANV9040, ANV9080, ANV9240

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