AED Equipped Facility Static Cling Window Decal - 4" Diameter

Part #: AMP1822
Decal is ideal for letting the public know of the presence of an AED on premises.
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AED Equipped Facility Static Cling Window Decal - 4' Diameter
  • AED Equipped Facility Static Cling Window Decal - 4' Diameter

This item has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Please see the 4" Round AED Equipped Decal for a suitable replacement. 

"AED Equipped Facility" Static Cling Window Decal

Let others know there is an Automated External Defibrillator on the premises. These high quality decals are printed on both sides.

Great product
Great price for the stickers- great that they can be moved to a new location if needed. Shipping was very fast.
Reviewed by:  Jamie from Grand Rapids, MI on 4/30/2015

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